Reviews and Photos by JD of

“I began to truly see fragrance and perfumery as an art rather than just a science. The quality, precision, and innovation were endless. Screw mass appeal and welcome to the world of carte blanche!”

Plum in Cognac is the 2021 Fragrance Foundation winner for Perfume Extraordinaire, so I say “drink or sniff up!” 

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Perfume available at & @laparfumerieusa @scentsofwood

Plum in Cognac

…I’m not as think as you drunk I am… 

All things in moderation, right? Not to get technical, but according to my last organic chemistry class (many moons ago), alcohol is 100% a solution, and this plummy cognac is the answer you’ve been looking for! Generally speaking, “the solution,” is the difference between “what’s wrong” and “what’s right,” where “the answer,” is the difference between “what’s right” and how the heck we’re gonna make it right! Plum in Cognac by Scents of Wood is 100% the right answer, and here’s why… 

Plum in Cognac was created from a very personal olfactory childhood memory and ritual by perfumer Pascal Gaurin. The scent is created from organic alcohol that’s aged in vintage cognac barrels. The combo creates a smokey toasted caramel effect, while various spices amp up the booziness. Think your fav cocktail, but make it a triple! 
The booziness paired by the fruity aspects of the plum add to its depth and sensuality while grounded by a liquor forward vanillic and cedar base! The depth and booziness of the plum in Plum in Cognac is photorealistic and further adds to its artistic interpretation — the juice itself is represented by a beautiful aubergine color — marrying the visual appeal to the olfactory experience. Mind you the full bottles are opaque, but, absolutely beautiful in their own right.  
I can’t end this review without mentioning that Plum in Cognac is the 2021 Fragrance Foundation winner for Perfume Extraordinaire, so I say “drink or sniff up!” 

Perfume available at & @laparfumerieusa @scentsofwood

Spicy Calabria

I have the hardest time reviewing scents that are nearest and dearest to me, and Spicy Calabria by Maison Sybarite is no exception! Spicy Calabria blew me away the first time I sampled, especially finding out the house is a water-based fine fragrance collection which fuses all the punch and longevity with clean, skin safe science. The scent is LITERALLY composed of ultrapure water (UPW), which is responsible for up to 80 percent of the total content! Say WHAT!?! How can a fragrance that is 80 percent water, pack such a punch? I promise wearing Spicy Calabria will be an experience you’ve never encountered with any conventional fragrance house — hats off to Maison Sybarite and Perfumer Laure Santantoni!  

Spicy Calabria goes on milk-like with a creamy consistency, transcending the line between fragrance and lotion — the juice is literally milky white. Classified as a woody spicy fragrance, Spicy Calabria is an atypical hybrid of woody and fresh, dense and creamy with an alluring spice. The opening is an intoxicating burst of limetta, bergamot, ginger and wormwood. I absolutely love the fresh citrus accords with the spice and fizz of ginger weaving through the aromatizing vermouth of the wormwood.  

Heart notes fuse orris and black pepper with the oud in a very subtle and effervescent presentation, while the labdanum, cedar and patchouli create a precocious innocence that add to the unusual hybrid of woody and fresh.  
I can’t say enough good things about the house of Maison Sybarite and their beauty Spicy Calabria. Mind you their other offerings are also absolutely stunning and I highly recommend giving your nose an experience it won’t forget!  

Perfume available at & @laparfumerieusa